Project Background
Ani Colony started as an in-house dev project for an animation company in Canada. They needed to streamline, cut costs, and make use of the fact that they were dealing with an almost entirely digital workflow for their shows. The software was meant to help them version control, make backups safer, and then add some "smarts" that could reduce their dependency on Excel spreadsheets to follow the process along.
Along the way, a few deals were made with investors thinking this would become the "next big thing" in project management, so we partially forked the project to be a bit more abstract. The resulting project needed a test case, so it was suggested my old show Dustrunners might be worth trying. That went virtually nowhere, but the project ended up becoming quite mature, and I was considering just doing it myself anyway. And then I thought some more about it, and decided what I really wanted to try was properly open-sourcing my show, and making my more-efficient tool a way to realize that goal.
For the past few weeks I've been trying to disassemble the existing code so that it could operate in a community-based environment (rather than a basic install for just one client). There are issues of forking and "teams" and other fun stuff that never came into the previous incarnation that I've had to struggle with, but I think I am finally making progress. The problem is the entire backend --- what made the software useful in the first place --- has been left behind while I tried to implement the new top level, and I'm just stretched too thin to make it happen on my own.
More than that, though, I don't want Ani Colony to seem like a vehicle for the show any more than the show is a vehicle for Ani Colony... they depend on each other for support right now, but I see Ani Colony eventually expanding beyond my own needs and turning into something truly useful. So for that I need more eyes...
If you have the time and a good grasp of PHP, I think this could be a very fulfilling project to work on. If you're interested, drop me a line so I can fill you in.